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Monday, July 18, 2011

"South Coast"

June 29, 2011

Today is Wednesday, the third day of our new group in Harding, KwaZulu-Natal. The group consists of 3 young men and 5 young ladies, and they all seem extremely enthusiastic about the Photography Ethnography Project (PEP!) especially because it is school break and there is nothing to do in the town.

The second day we met we talked about the town. I had them draw maps and then asked them to describe where they live. They described the town as small, dusty, crowded, and filled with gossipers and drunkards. When asked if they could change anything about the town they said they would clean up the trash, stop the drugs, make police harder on crime, and fix up the pot holes.

After teaching them how to use the cameras we had them take us around and take pictures. Here are some of the pictures they took.

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